Monday, January 4, 2010

Maternity Cocktail Dresses Shoes For Aqua Blue Cocktail Dress?

Shoes for aqua blue cocktail dress? - maternity cocktail dresses

I just received this dress (see link) that I won off eBay. Is an Aqua Blue Cocktail Dress pregnancy (not that I have to every cocktail in my situation, of course) for a dinner / dance event. I am looking for suggestions for shoes. What color and style would you recommend? Upload images or links, if available. Thank you!

PS I am more than seven months at the time of the game nothing to over-the-top, please!

LINK: ...


acesfour... said...

Some nice color coordinated, elegant evening shoes, of course, we use it only in the car and come and dance barefoot! Congratulations on your baby.

Elaine said...

wow. What a pretty dress. As some dyablo and floors are stained to buy, so consistent?

iloveme_... said...


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